Peter Rosenstein
4 min readOct 9, 2023

I stand with Israel

I stand with the people of Israel, and the state of Israel. On October 7th, fifty years after the start of the Yom Kippur War, Israel was again attacked by a terrorist organization whose goal is to wipe it from the face of the earth. Like fifty years ago, Israel will prevail, but too many people on both sides will die. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Their surprise attack on Israel is brutal and inexcusable, and must be condemned by decent people everywhere. They slaughtered 260 Israelis who were peacefully attending a music festival, this being only one of the atrocities they committed.

This attack on Israel by Hamas, will undoubtedly end with the death and wounding of thousands of Palestinians. But they knew that and still went ahead. It is my belief the barbaric actions of Hamas will not only cause the death of Palestinian people now, but in the long run will hurt the Palestinian cause for a homeland. Hamas knew not only will Israel retaliate with overwhelming strength, but they must realize Israel will continue to exist. The decent people of the world, and most nations, are condemning these acts of terror. I think the terrorists may have been under the misapprehension the world’s focus on Ukraine would have them not supporting Israel. They may have thought the strife in the Israeli government would lead to their people not coming to protect their country. They have been shown to be wrong on both counts.

When I write this there are more than 700 Israelis killed and thousands wounded, including nine Americans. Many Israelis, and some Americans, have been taken hostage to Gaza. Israel has now declared a full siege on Gaza and will cut of water, food, and electricity. They will retaliate and Palestinians will be killed and suffer. While I hope, in contrast to Hamas, Israel will try to avoid as much as possible killing civilians, that is nearly impossible in bombing Gaza, and in the street fighting which will take place. Gaza is one of the densest places in the world with nearly 2 million people living in a small area. Even trying to avoid the Israeli hostages there, the Israeli military will not stop trying to root out Hamas, fighting street by street. Israel clearly has more firepower, and is more able to rain down terror on Gaza, if they so choose. This constant state of fighting will go on and on as long as Hamas, and groups like them, threaten to wipe Israel off the map. It will go on if Iran continues to supply them with weapons with which to attack Israel.

I believe Israel must stop building settlements, and must even be willing to give back some of the land they are built on, when the time comes to form a Palestinian state. But that will never happen unless Hamas is stopped and the only ones who can stop them are the Palestinians themselves, who must condemn them.

I want to see Netanyahu out of office, and preferably in jail, where he belongs. Maybe he and Trump can have adjoining cells somewhere. This invasion, and the lack of intelligence by Israel to see it coming, may end up taking his government down. But that will not happen till Israel wins this war and while it is being fought thousands will die or be injured. Some have asked me how I and others can still support Israel with Netanyahu there. I reply; I still supported the United States while Trump was President. Since my first visit to Israel in 1970 I understood its importance to the Jewish people and have been a strong supporter. My father’s parents died in Auschwitz. I have distant relatives who settled in Israel and helped found a kibbutz. They have said they would like to live in peace with their Arab neighbors, including the Palestinian people. Today, as I see more antisemitism in the United States, my support for Israel remains strong.

I support a two-state solution to the middle-east crisis and believe in a Palestinian State. Again, that will only happen if the Palestinians agree they can live in peace with Israel, and are willing to condemn terrorism. Then, and only then, will the world come together and support not only the founding of a Palestinian State, but will help to set up a functioning economy there.

Till that time, I stand in support of Israel, want the United States to keep supporting it, and strongly condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Peter Rosenstein

Public Speaker, Commentator, columnist, non-profit executive, activist,